just what it sounds like…reading as a religion

Birthdays and Boys…Well Maybe, Boy…Singular.

So, what do I have to say today? 

#1 Happy (edit: Belated) Birthday to Maureen Johnson She is one of my favorite authors and I’ve only read 1 of her books.  What?!?, you say. 

13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson

Well, I read 13 Little Blue Envelopes and L. O. V. E. LOVED it and I’ve totally been meaning to read more of her books.  I even checked the Scarlett books out from the library over the holidays, but I just never got around to them.  A sequel to 13LBE is coming out in April and I’m dying for it.  But, anyways, the real reason that I ABSOLUTELY ADORE her is the riotous good time she has on Twitter.  Without fail, she can brighten my day with one well-placed tweet about, well with Maureen, just about anything.  So, I was so excited to tell you to follow her on Twitter in this blog post and then I realized it was also her birthday (I started this post yesterday).  What a ridiculous and totally awesome coincidence!  So, if you like Twitter and books and cats and 20 questions (or at least 4), you should get your butt in gear and follow @maureenjohnson.

#2 Alex Pettyfer is taking over the world…or at least, YA I know tons of people have already waxed poetic about this topic, but I don’t care. It’s my turn. 

Alex Pettyfer Looking Super James Dean-ish

Alex Pettyfer Looking Super James Dean-ish

I will admit, Alex Pettyfer is GORGEOUS.  This is not debatable.  However, it must be a sign of the apocalypse when he is cast in EVERY. YA. MOVIE. EVER.  Yes, movie stars have always been typecast.  Hugh Grant is the Romantic Leading Man.  Adam Sandler is the Screwball Comedian.  Vin Diesel is the Tough Action Star.  Angelina Jolie is, well, she’s always really Angry.  But, there is a new type in town: the Super Smokin’ YA Novel Movie Adaptation Heartthrob and it belongs to, you guessed it, Mr. Alex Pettyfer.  Currently, he is starring in I Am Number Four and the forthcoming Beastly (both of which I’ve never read, but am dying to see on the big screen).  Then, when we take a walk down memory lane, he started off as the teen superspy Alex Rider in Stormbreaker.  Now, it’s rumored that he’s been offered the role of Jace in City of Bones.  And that’s he’s met with Gary Ross and Lionsgate to discuss the role of Peeta in The Hunger Games.  Seriously, will it ever end?  I love YA books.  I also love seeing my favorite books being made into movies.  But, pretty soon I’m going to start picturing Alex Pettyfer as the lead in every book that I read.  Even though he’s yummy, I just prefer a little variety in my leading men.  Don’t you?

#3 Still going strong on Bright Young Things.  And in turn, I am jonesing for some adorable 1920s vintage.

#4 Two weeks till vacay! I’m on a boat, I’m on a boat, Take a good….Yeah, that’s right, in 2 weeks I’m going on a cruise.  Goal: Lay by the pool and read ONE ENTIRE BOOK.  We’ll see if I can do it.  Now, I just need to choose the lucky book!

That’s all for now! See ya real soon!

2 responses

  1. Is Bright Young Things the Scarlett Thomas book? I cannot get hold of that ANYWHERE! Well, I probably could if I bought online, but I’m trying to use independant bookshops and publishers more. I think I must try harder and remember to order it in. The blue envelopes book looks fun, I will keep an eye out for it.

    February 18, 2011 at 8:00 am

    • It is actually not the Scarlett Thomas Book. It is fairly brand new book by Anna Godbersen. It’s a young adult novel about 3 girls and the sordid details of their lives, living in 1929 New York. It will eventually be a series, like Godbersen’s previous series The Luxe which was about 4 girls in high soviety New York at the turn of the century. Very much like a historical Gossip Girl but way better.

      February 18, 2011 at 6:36 pm

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